
Dedicated to you.

With the years of working in the field of telecommunications, I have learned a great deal about the hows and whys, do’s and don’ts to make things work. Its being able to spread what I have learned to others who are interested in learning about what makes things work.


During my high school years, I could not get enough of learning about electronics and computers. If I had my way, I would have taken that and left the rest behind. But public schools don’t work that way. Shortly after graduating, I found my self face to face with a drill instructor in the US Army. I became an electronic technician dealing with guided missile systems. After the Army, I migrated over to the US Navy where I was a Radioman. Getting out of the service, I found myself doing various things but never giving up on my dream of being a communications technician. I obtained my novice license in November 1981 and upgraded through the ranks of technician, general, advanced and extra.


In 1990 I found a job with a two way radio shop and worked there along with working at the local AM radio station. After 1998 I moved and found myself in another two way radio shop and worked there. In 2003 I moved and it wasn’t until 2015 I found yet another two way radio shop which hired me on and I stayed there until they shut the doors in 2023.

I have been in the electonic field since I was 15 years old. To be given the opportunity to work in a wide variety of jobs lead to many responsibilities of which I learned and took what I had learned with me into the other jobs.